Two Arizona LEAs Continue Use of e-MTSS PRO Software For 2022-23 School Year

(Phoenix, Arizona) July 1, 2022 - Douglas Unified School District and Tolleson Elementary School District are entering their second school year in utilzing the e-MTSS PRO to assist in managing their Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) student data and programs. Both Arizona school districts utilize the e-MTSS PRO to take advantage of the advanced set of features, excellent support and overall benefits and efficiencies offered by the e-MTSS PRO.

The efficiecies and benefits being experience by both districts include:
  • All MTSS student data is managed and available in a central location;
  • Staff have easy access to MTSS student data from any computer or mobile device connected to the Internet;
  • Software provides easy documenting student concerns, assessment data, interventions and progress data for each student;
  • All staff have 24/7 access to integrated training videos and user guides.

MediaNet Solutions Announces New e-MTSS PRO Software

(Phoenix, Arizona) February 2, 2021 - MediaNet Solutions Inc. is excited to announce the release of a web-based Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) software that simplifies the management of academic and social emotional supports for students. The components of this new stand-alone web-based software, titled the e-MTSS PRO, contains some of the same components that have been available in MediaNet's e-IEP PRO flagship product utilized for many years by hundreds of Arizona school districts and schools. The e-MTSS PRO is also supported by the same team that provides end-user training and support for the e-IEP PRO.

The e-MTSS PRO contains a comprehensive set of data-driven fully integrated forms features that include:
  • Intervention Plan
  • Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)
  • Comprehensive Progress Monitoring
  • Parent Invitation Letter
  • Parent Notification Letter
  • Referral Form
  • 45 Day Screening Form
  • Gap Analysis Worksheet
  • And, more...

The e-MTSS PRO is specifically designed to assist Arizona LEAs in better supporting and managing these processes for their students.

Learn more by visiting our product information page below.

Product Information

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