Data Center

The e-MTSS PRO software resides on our servers in the e-MTSS PRO Data Center, located in the Phoenix metro area, which is a state-of-the-art secure facility that houses the system's servers and related networking hardware. The Data Center provides multi-level physical access controls that includes restricted bio-metrically controlled access and locked storage cabinet. The information below provides detailed specifications regarding the configuration of the Data Center.
Our Data Center's communication network is built on a redundant configuration of routers, switches and firewalls that connect the Data Center's server farm to the Internet through multiple blended high-speed Internet circuits. Utilizing advanced routing technology, our Data Center's network traffic is optimized and balanced. Should a single Internet connection fail, workload automatically shifts to available circuits. Likewise, if any hardware component fails, or requires maintenance, its backup component automatically takes over. The Data Center network has been built to provide continuous availability of customer business data.
Redundant Internet Providers
Our Data Center uses multiple Internet Providers to connect to the Internet. Using multiple providers means that, should something go wrong with one provider, we can effortlessly switch over to another, with no interruption in service.
Each Data Center server is well-protected, both physically and digitally. Security of the Data Center is maintained with all servers stored in a climate controlled, restricted access, closed-circuit monitored, locked facility. Each server and network component is protected by a SonicWall firewall device. All Data Center servers/domains are available with Secure Certificates (256-bit SSL encryption capability). Our advanced security measures help protect the web servers from unwanted disruptions and hacking. The Data Center switches and firewall are configured to prevent data snooping and the Center has monitored site security 24 hours a day. All HIPAA and FERPA data security and privacy regulations are addressed within the center's security policies and procedures.
Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS)
Our UPS system has two main purposes. First, it "conditions" all of the power being fed to our computers, smoothing out spikes and voltage fluctuations and protecting against surges. Second, in the event of a source power failure, the batteries in the UPS kick in to run our systems while auxiliary diesel electrical generators cycle up to speed and automatically supply power during a main power outage.
Multi-Processor 64-Bit Hosts
A single processor is just not enough to run a Web, database, storage, or email server, and, because the latest technologies we use are quite memory intensive, all of our servers are 64-bit with a minimum of 64 gigabytes of RAM and are equipped with a recent version of the Microsoft operating system and version of MS-SQL to ensure maximum performance.
System and Data Backups
Backups of all e-MTSS PRO software applications are completed weekly. Daily backups of every e-MTSS PRO system database are captured and incremental backups are captured every two hours during business hours. That means, copies of any record that has changed or been created in the last 24 hours is captured and then incremental backups are captured every two hours between 10 am and 5 pm. A minimum of two weeks of weekly backups (i.e., both SQL data backups and system backups) are kept in two off-site secure location.
We monitor our network, Web, database, and email servers routinely for a variety of conditions. We also monitor security, and data center conditions (temperature, humidity, motion). All public-facing application servers are configured with Virus and Malware scanning software with the virus signature files being updated routinely.

Data Center Features
- Secure Network
- Advanced Firewall Protection
- Redundant Internet Providers
- Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS)
- Multi-Processor 64-Bit Hosts